Normes d’encadrement | Page 3

actualités internationales devoirs des administrateurs Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement parties prenantes Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Capital humain et gouvernance d’entreprise : un intéressant rapport

UCLA School of Law vient de publier un rapport d’une dizainede pages sur la gestion du capital humain et son intégration dans la gouvernance des entreprises : « Corporate Governance : The growing Importance of Human Capital Management » (avril 2020).

Extrait :

1. Over the last several years, investors and proxy advisory firms have increasingly focused their attention on environmental, sustainability and governance (ESG) and human capital management (HCM) issues. While there is no one definition of HCM, the term is widely used to cover a very broad range of workforce matters that are of concern to investors and the public as they focus on building long-term value and reducing business and reputational risks. These concerns have resulted in calls for enhanced company disclosures about their HCM practices and processes.

2. Under Delaware and federal law, directors have no duties that are specifically focused on HCM. However, under Delaware law and that of many other states, directors have duties of care, loyalty and oversight that can under certain circumstances apply to HCM matters and can result in director liability.

3. While federal securities laws and rules contain several corporate disclosure requirements that apply to employees and touch on HCM issues, current laws and rules are not as robust or focused as many investors would like and have proposed. In response to rulemaking and other investor requests, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has proposed amendments to its disclosure rules that would expressly require companies to describe their human capital resources to the extent that they are material to an understanding of a company’s business as a whole.

4. Some public companies have already articulated board responsibilities for oversight of HCM matters; some have renamed and expanded the responsibilities of their compensation committees to reflect their expanded focus; and some have disclosed their HCM polices and efforts in their securities law filings and other publications.

5. Separate and apart from the legal requirements that apply to corporate board duties and corporate disclosure requirements, there are important business, governance and reputational reasons for boards and companies to care about and address HCM matters. 6. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to board oversight of HCM matters, areas for possible board attention are (i) diversity and inclusion, (ii) employee satisfaction and engagement, (iii) succession and talent management, (iv) attrition and retention, and (v) ethics, workforce culture and risk.

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actualités internationales Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement parties prenantes place des salariés Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

COVID-19 : le test de la RSE

Bel article publié le 1er avril 2020 dans la Harvard Business Review intitulé : « Coronavirus Is Putting Corporate Social Responsibility to the Test ». La RSE passera-t-elle le texte de l’empirique ?

Extrait :

A great many large companies talk about having a social purpose and set of values, or about how much they care for their employees and other stakeholders. Now is the time for them to make good on that commitment. Research suggests that people only truly believe that their company has a purpose and clear values when they see management making a decision that sacrifices short-term profitability for the sake of adhering to those values.

(…) Here are some things that companies can do to help their employees, small suppliers, health care providers, and communities.

Employees. What companies do to help their laid-off employees  — above and beyond what is required or expected — will be remembered and repaid in increased loyalty, higher productivity, and a lasting reputational benefit for many years to come.

Continuing to pay wages, even at less than full pay, is one option. Walmart, Microsoft, Apple, and Lyft have all made commitments to continue payments to hourly workers for at least the first two weeks of lockdown. This is essential not only as a matter of corporate responsibility; it will also substantially reduce the costs of rehiring employees when the economy returns to normal.

Lending money to employees is another option. Left on their own, many employees will turn to the exorbitant charges of credit card debt and payday lenders who will levy a 20%-plus interest rate at a time when corporations can borrow at 2% or 3%. That difference in interest rates can be the difference between bankruptcy and economic survival. Corporations should use their corporate credit and collateral to arrange low- or no-interest loans to their employees. They should calculate employees’ take-home pay after payroll deductions, and ask their banks to make loans available equal to a month of net wages at 3% interest, guaranteed by the corporation. Employees can pay the loans back over the next year out of their salaries when they return to work.

In all likelihood, very few of a company’s employees will actually require medical care, but if they have no insurance, that too can bankrupt them. Companies should offer to cover the medical expenses of all non-insured employees — probably somewhere between 2% and 5% will actually incur significant bills, and companies can negotiate with their insurer an additional premium to cover them. Sadly, employees may also need help to cover funeral costs for the few who succumb.

Small suppliers. Companies should offer advance payments to their small suppliers, giving them cash today for goods that they will need when they return to production. It’s the corporate equivalent of buying gift cards to keep your local store in business.

Health care providers. Some parts of the world face severe shortages in basic medical supplies, but as a global company you have access to resources everywhere. The need for masks in China and South Korea has waned while it is still growing in the United States and Europe. Companies should purchase and ship supplies from where they are available to where they are needed. They should tap their inventory of whatever they have that might help, send it where it will do the most good, and take the loss.

Communities. Major corporations should use their foundations to aid food pantries, free clinics, and other nonprofits in addressing immediate needs of the communities where they have operations.

Pour rappel, j’ai publié récemment un billet de blogue sur Contact partageant mes réflexions sur les liens entre COVID-19, entreprises et RSE : « La RSE à l’heure de la COVID-19 » (26 mars 2020).

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engagement et activisme actionnarial Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement Nouvelles diverses objectifs de l'entreprise parties prenantes Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Les investisseurs institutionnels réclament de la responsabilité !

L’ICCR (Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility) américain vient de prendre une position intéressante dans le contexte de la pandémie de Coronavirus : elle exhorte les entreprises à plus de responsabilité et fait connaître ses 5 priorités. Preuve une fois de plus que l’engagement des investisseurs institutionnels en faveur de la RSE est présent !

Global institutional investors comprising public pensions, asset management firms and faith-based funds issued a Statement on Coronavirus Response calling on the business community to step up as corporate citizens, and recommending measures corporations can take to protect their workforces, their communities, their businesses and our markets as a whole while we all confront the Coronavirus crisis. 

Extrait :

1. Provide paid leave: We urge companiesto make emergency paid leave available to all employees, including temporary, part time, and subcontracted workers. Without paid leave, social distancing and self-isolation are not broadly possible.

2. Prioritize health and safety: Protecting worker and public safety is essential for maintaining business reputations, consumer confidence and the social license to operate, as well as staying operational. Workers should avoid or limit exposure to COVID-19 as much as possible. Potential measures include rotating shifts; remote work; enhanced protections, trainings or cleaning; adopting the occupational safety and health guidance, and closing locations, if necessary.

3. Maintain employment: We support companies taking every measure to retain workers as widespread unemployment will only exacerbate the current crisis. Retaining a well-trained and committed workforce will permit companies to resume operations as quickly as possible once the crisis is resolved. Companies considering layoffs should also be mindful of potential discriminatory impact and the risk for subsequent employment discrimination cases.

4. Maintain supplier/customer relationships: As much as possible, maintaining timely or prompt payments to suppliers and working with customers facing financial challenges will help to stabilize the economy, protect our communities and small businesses and ensure a stable supply chain is in place for business operations to resume normally in the future.

5. Financial prudence: During this period of market stress, we expect the highest level of ethical financial management and responsibility. As responsible investors, we recognize this may include companies’ suspending share buybacks and showing support for the predicaments of their constituencies by limiting executive and senior management compensation for the duration of this crisis.

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Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement Nouvelles diverses objectifs de l'entreprise

COVID-19 : la fin de la théorie de l’agence ?

Bel article de M. Barker sur LinkedIn intitulé : « The irrelevance of agency theory during the Covid-19 crisis » (5 avril 2020). Il est effectivement temps de revoir le modèle de l’agence et sa place comme paradigme central de toute réflexion sur la gouvernance d’entreprise : d’autres modèles existent, il est bon de le rappeler !

Extrait :

The implicit mistrust between principals and agents must be replaced by a pooling of resources and know-how, and a more cooperative attitude to other stakeholders such as employees and society as a whole.

Corporate governance scholars have developed a range of alternative theoretical paradigms through which to embody this more team-based approach, including stewardship theory, stakeholder theory and resource dependency theory. These frameworks seem to offer a more relevant perspective on what we should demand from corporate governance during the crisis.

A first is that non-executive directors should see themselves as sharing more of a common agenda with management. They must be prepared to work side by side with them in order to overcome the profound challenges being faced by most organisations at the current time.

Second, investors will have to exhibit greater trust in boards and management. Once they are satisfied that the right leadership is in place, they need to let them get on with it.

Third, it becomes more important than ever for boards to understand and incorporate into decision-making the different perspectives of groups whose motivation and participation is critical to the survival of the organisation. These will include middle managers, employees, customers, suppliers and the wider community.

Finally, we should not view existing shareholder rights as sacrosanct during the crisis. Shareholder rights are not the same thing as human rights, which should never be seen as negotiable. Rather, they are pragmatic arrangements that have been established in order to underpin the prosperity of the economy as a whole.

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actualités internationales Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement Nouvelles diverses parties prenantes Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Le Forum économique mondial envoie un message

En ce début d’avril 2020, le Forum Économique Mondial vient de publier une déclaration sur les principes parties prenantes qu’il entend promouvoir durant la crise du COVID-19 : « Stakeholder Principles in the COVID Era ».

Extrait :

To this end, we endorse the following Stakeholder Principles in the COVID Era:

− To employees, our principle is to keep you safe: We will continue do everything we can to protect your workplace, and to help you to adapt to the new working conditions

− To our ecosystem of suppliers and customers, our principle is to secure our shared business continuity: We will continue to work to keep supply chains open and integrate you into our business response

− To our end consumers, our principle is to maintain fair prices and commercial terms for essential supplies

− To governments and society, our principle is to offer our full support: We stand ready and will continue to complement public action with our resources, capabilities and know-how

− To our shareholders, our principle remains the long-term viability of the company and its potential to create sustained value

Finally, we also maintain the principle that we must continue our sustainability efforts unabated, to bring our world closer to achieving shared goals, including the Paris climate agreement and the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda. We will continue to focus on those long-term goals.

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actualités canadiennes Divulgation divulgation extra-financière Normes d'encadrement Nouvelles diverses parties prenantes Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Divulgation ESG : où en est le Canada ?

À son habitude, Mme Diane Bérard offre un billet plein d’information intitulé : « Divulgation ESG: le Canada très en retard sur les États-
Unis »
(Les, 4 septembre 2019.

Extrait des constats dressés :

Premier constat: on note un déplacement des informations extra-financières. Celles-ci ont jusqu’ici fait l’objet d’une section du rapport annuel. Or, certaines entreprises choisissent de leur consacrer un rapport entier de type ESG, RSE ou développement durable.

Deuxième constat: les sociétés américaines font meilleure figure. Pour 2018, on s’attend à ce qu’un peu plus de la moitié (54%) des sociétés du principal indice de la bourse de Toronto publient un rapport de développement durable pour 2018. Aux États-Unis, ce sont plus des trois quarts (86%) des entreprises du S&P 500 qui le feront. La proportion des sociétés canadiennes du S&P/TSX divulguant des données ESG représente donc moins du deux tiers (62,79%) de celles des sociétés du S&P 500.

Troisième constat: les investisseurs demeurent sur leur faim. Les investisseurs réclament des informations précises sur la façon dont les entreprises gèrent le risque social, environnemental et de gouvernance associé à leurs activités. Pour l’instant, les entreprises divulguent surtout des informations générales liées à leurs initiatives de responsabilité sociale ou à des actions associées au développement durable.

Quatrième constat: on est loin de l’uniformité… La moitié des 115 rapports étudiés se nomment «Rapport de développement durable»; 18% affichent un titre lié à la responsabilité sociale (RSE); 12% adoptent l’étiquette ESG, 6% s’articulent autour de la responsabilité envers la communauté (Public Responsability), 3% osent s’aventurer du côté de changement climatique et de l’environnement et 11% appartiennent à la catégorie «Autres».

Cinquième constat: … mais on y aspire… Pour évaluer à leur juste valeur les initiatives d’une entreprise, il faut pouvoir les comparer à celles de ses pairs. D’où l’importance de s’appuyer sur des standards. Plus de la moitié (60%) des rapports publiés s’inspirent du Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Près du quart (23%) opte plutôt pour le cadre du Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) pour déterminer quels enjeux doivent être considérés pertinents (material) pour l’entreprise. Enfin, 6% calquent leur structure de divulgation sur le cadre SASB.

Sixième constat: le climat, on en parle… un peu. Créé en 2015, le Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) vise une divulgation volontaire des risques financiers auxquels sont exposées les entreprises. Ceci afin de mieux connaître et contrôler le risque auquel le système financier (institutions et investisseurs) est lui-même exposé. Le TCFD incite les entreprises à divulguer de quelle façon elles gèrent les risques, mais aussi les occasions d’affaires, associés au changement climatique. Les informations doivent être liées à la gouvernance, la stratégie, la
gestion de risque, les indicateurs de performance et les cibles. En 2018, le quart (25%) des sociétés de l’indice S&P/TSX ont affirmé leur appui aux lignes directrices du TCFD. C’est ce qu’elles ont déclaré dans les communications. Un autre 14% a poussé l’exercice plus loin en présentant concrètement comment un accroissement de la température de 1,5 degré et de 2 degrés affectera leurs activités. Le reste (62%) ne fait aucune référence aux recommandations du TCFD.

Septième constat: les Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) font du chemin. Plus de 60% des entreprises du S&P/TSX mentionnent les ODD lorsqu’elles évoquent le développement durable. Près d’un tiers (28%) évoquent les ODD de façon concrète. Elles arriment leur stratégie, ou certaines initiatives, à un ou plusieurs ODD précis.

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