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Rapport du High Pay Centre d’août 2015

The High Pay Centre de Grande-Bretagne a publié le 6 août 2015 un rapport sur la rémunération des dirigeants intitulé : « New High Pay Centre report: Executive pay continues to climb at expense of ordinary workers » (ici). Il faut croire que si les réformes se suivent et se ressemblent, leur impact ne se font pas vraiment ressentir !

Voici la synthèse de cette étude :

FTSE 100 CEO pay jumped to £4.964 million in 2014 according to a new report published today by the High Pay Centre think-tank.

The figures represent a slight increase on CEO pay of £4.923 million in 2013, but a more drastic rise from the £4.129 million average in 2010.

The High Pay Centre analysed data disclosed in companies’ annual reports as a result of requirements introduced by the coalition government in 2013.  The research also found that:

  • The top 10 highest-paid CEOs alone were paid over £156 million between them
  • Despite average CEO pay of nearly £5 million, only a quarter of FTSE 100 companies are living wage accredited
  • Average FTSE 100 CEO pay in 2014 was 183 times the earnings of the average full-time UK worker, up from 182 times in 2013 and 160 times in 2010
  • Shareholders have the power to voice their opposition to executive pay policy at company AGMs, but the average vote against pay awards across the FTSE 100 was just 6.4%

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian