mission et composition du conseil d’administration | Page 4

engagement et activisme actionnarial mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit

Vers un tremblement de terre en Grande-Bretagne ?

Selon Management Today, Theresa May veut faire bouger les lignes dans le domaine de la gouvernance d’entreprise : « Theresa May reveals radical plans to shake up Britain’s boardrooms ». « The Tory prime minister-in-waiting wants to give workers representation on the board and make shareholder pay votes binding »… rien que cela !


May expressed discontent with the current model of corporate governance used by FTSE companies and in particular the effectiveness of supposedly independent non-executive directors. ‘In practice, they are often drawn from the same narrow social and professional circles as the executive team and the scrutiny they provide is often limited,’ she said. So, she suggests, workers and even consumers should be given a seat at the table.

May wrote she wants to tackle the ‘unhealthy and growing gap between what these companies pay their workers and what they pay their bosses.’ Specifically she wants to make shareholder votes on corporate pay packages binding instead of advisory and ‘simplify the way bonuses are paid so that the bosses’ incentives are better aligned with the long-term interests of the company.’

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Ivan Tchotourian
engagement et activisme actionnarial mission et composition du conseil d'administration

Critique sur la pratique du staggered board dans les comités d’audit

AccountingWeb (par Terri Sheridan, 24 juin 2016) relaie un excellent article : « Staggered Boards Impede Improvements to Audit Committees ». Cet article revient sur la pratique des stagerred board et l’effet négatif qu’elle induit sur les comités d’audit en termes de performance et d’amélioration.


The Efficacy of Shareholder Voting in Staggered and Non-Staggered Boards: The Case of Audit Committee Elections, published in the May/July issue of the American Accounting Association’s Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, indicates that staggered boards can interfere with shareholders’ goals and hinder audit committee improvements. In staggered boards, only a third of the directors are up for re-election annually, with members elected to three-year terms.

“Low shareholder approval rates in firms with nonstaggered boards are associated with improvements to audit committee structure, activity, and financial reporting quality,” the study states.


Pour rappel, en vertu du staggered board, un CA est renouvelable par tranches. Au Canada et au Québec, les dispositions 106(3) L.C.S.A. et 110 L.S.A. mentionnent que les administrateurs sont élus pour un mandat n’excédant pas trois ans, sans imposer cependant que les mandats de ces administrateurs aient à être de la même durée.  Cette pratique fait l’objet d’une sérieuse remise en question au Canada même si elle se révèle moins utilisée qu’aux États-Unis (CCGG, « Response to OSC Staff Notice 54-701: Regulatory Developments regarding Shareholder Democracy Issues », 31 mars 2011, à la p. 5).


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Ivan Tchotourian

engagement et activisme actionnarial mission et composition du conseil d'administration Normes d'encadrement normes de droit

Pratique de la rémunération de candidats à des postes d’administrateurs

Jacques Grisé relaie sur son blogue (ici) un intéressant article sur la pratique de la rémunération par les fonds activistes de candidats à des postes d’administrateurs : « Rémunération, par les fonds activistes, de candidats à des postes d’administrateurs | Est-ce acceptable ? ».


Un actionnaire activiste (Hedge Funds) qui veut faire élire un de ses partisans à un conseil d’administration ciblé peut-il le rémunérer afin qu’il puisse faire campagne pour son élection à un poste d’administrateur ?

Quelle est la loi à cet égard ? Quelles sont les recommandations de la firme ISS dans ces cas ?

La laisse dorée (« golden leash »), comme on appelle ce lien avec le promoteur de la campagne électorale, est-elle congruente avec le droit des actionnaires ? Ou, cette pratique est-elle sujette à d’éventuels conflits d’intérêts au détriment des actionnaires ?

Il semble bien que cette pratique soit de plus en plus répandue et qu’elle soit « légale », bien que la SEC n’ait pas dit son dernier mot à ce stade-ci. La pratique est appuyée par les grandes firmes de conseil en votation (ISS et Glass Lewis).

L’article publié par Andrew A. Schwartz, professeur à l’École de droit de l’Université du Colorado, est paru aujourd’hui sur le forum de la HBL School on Corporate Governance. On y présente différentes  problématiques, telles que la volonté des CA de bloquer l’élection d’administrateurs externes et la volonté des fonds activistes de remplacer certains administrateurs par des candidats favorables aux changements stratégiques souhaités.


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Ivan Tchotourian

engagement et activisme actionnarial mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit rémunération

La France renforce son encadrement dans le domaine de la rémunération

L’Assemblée nationale a rendu contraignant le vote des assemblées générales (AG) d’actionnaires sur la rémunération des dirigeants d’entreprise, dans la nuit de jeudi 9 juin à vendredi 10 juin. Le texte devrait ainsi rendre contraignant le vote des assemblées générales sur les rémunérations des dirigeants d’entreprise, là où il n’était auparavant qu’indicatif.
Je vais vous revenir plus en détail sur ce dossier dans un prochain billet…
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Ivan Tchotourian
engagement et activisme actionnarial Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration Normes d'encadrement Nouvelles diverses rémunération

Rémunération des dirigeants : le CA doit prendre ses responsabilités

Belle réflexion offerte par le Financial Times sur le rôle que le conseil d’administration devrait assumer en matière de rémunération des dirigeants : « Boards are responsible for limiting excess pay » (Financial Times, 17 avril 2016).

Boards of directors are not appointed to rubber-stamp formulas devised by consultants, no matter what the result. If there appears to be something awry, they should be able to exercise their judgment and not be limited by employment contracts that deny them authority. BP’s remuneration committee failed this simple test and so found itself exposed to scorn.

Nothing absolves a board of its responsibility to limit the quantum of pay. Chief executives perform tough, demanding, responsible jobs and their decisions heavily affect the value of companies. But it is not obvious why some need to be paid double-digit millions to do their best when single-digit millions or less were accepted as sufficient financial rewards not so long ago.

Boards sometimes need to compete for talent, signing contracts that raise expectations and constrain their freedom to cap pay. As the tenure of CEOs has reduced, bosses want to get rich faster. Some argue that they could earn more in private equity, away from the unforgiving public spotlight.

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Ivan Tchotourian

engagement et activisme actionnarial mission et composition du conseil d'administration rémunération

Volkswagen : la rémunération en baisse ?

Fortune nous apprend que l’entreprise Volkswagen chercherait à diminuer les bonus (diminution de 30 % sur une base volontaire) qui devaient être versés aux dirigeants suite au scandale auquel fait face cette entreprise : « Volkswagen CEO Seeks to Cut Board Bonuses ».

Volkswagen Chief Executive Matthias Mueller will push for a significant reduction in bonuses for the carmaker’s management board on Monday, sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The proposal being put forward at a supervisory board steering committee meeting follows criticism from one of Volkswagen’s major shareholders, the state of Lower Saxony, about intentions to pay bonuses to top managers while the company grapples with the diesel emissions crisis and prepares to cut costs elsewhere.

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Ivan Tchotourian

engagement et activisme actionnarial mission et composition du conseil d'administration Normes d'encadrement normes de droit

Vote majoritaire : un moyen de rendre le CA plus responsable ?

Un peu de lecture pour ce matin ? Je vous renvoie à cet intéressant article : Stephen Choi, New York University Jill Fisch, University of Pennsylvania and ECGI Marcel Kahan, New York University and ECGI Edward Rock, University of Pennsylvania, « Does Majority Voting Improve Board Accountability? », Law Working Paper No. 310/2016, March 2016.

Directors have traditionally been elected by a plurality of the votes cast. This means that in uncontested elections, a candidate who receives even a single vote is elected. Proponents of “shareholder democracy” have advocated a shift to a majority voting rule in which a candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast to be elected. Over the past decade, they have been successful, and the shift to majority voting has been one of the most popular and successful governance reforms. Yet critics are skeptical as to whether majority voting improves board accountability. Tellingly, directors of companies with majority voting rarely fail to receive majority approval – even more rarely than directors of companies with plurality voting. Even when such directors fail to receive majority approval, they are unlikely to be forced to leave the board. This poses a puzzle: why do firms switch to majority voting and what effect does the switch have, if any, on director behavior?

We empirically examine the adoption and impact of a majority voting rule using a sample of uncontested director elections from 2007 to 2013. We test and find partial support for four hypotheses that could explain why directors of majority voting firms so rarely fail to receive majority support: selection; deterrence/accountability; electioneering by firms; and restraint by shareholders.

Our results further suggest that the reasons for and effects of adopting majority voting may differ between early and later adopters. We find that early adopters of majority voting were more shareholder-responsive than other firms even before they adopted majority voting. These firms seem to have adopted majority voting voluntarily, and the adoption of majority voting has made little difference in their responsiveness to shareholders responsiveness going forward. By contrast, for late adopters, we find no evidence that they were more shareholder-responsive than other firms before they adopted majority voting, but strong evidence that they became more responsive after adopting majority voting.

Differences between early and late adopters can have important implications for understanding the spread of corporate governance reforms and evaluating their effects on firms. Reform advocates, rather than targeting the firms that, by their measures, are most in need of reform, instead seem to have targeted the firms that are already most responsive. They may then have used the widespread adoption of majority voting to create pressure on the nonadopting firms.

Empirical studies of the effects of governance changes thus need to be sensitive to the possibility that early adopters and late adopters of reforms differ from each other and that the reforms may have different effects on these two groups of firms.

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Ivan Tchotourian