Normes d’encadrement | Page 5

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Féminisation des CA : rapport 2016 par Osler

Le Cabinet Osler a publié en septembre 2016 un rapport sur les « Pratiques de divulgation en matière de diversité 2016 : Femmes occupant des postes de direction dans les entreprises inscrites à la cote de la TSX ».

En décembre 2014, les émetteurs canadiens dans les provinces participantes, à l’exception des émetteurs inscrits à la cote de la Bourse de croissance TSX et des fonds de placement, sont devenus assujettis aux nouvelles exigences de divulgation sur la représentation des femmes au sein des conseils d’administration et des équipes de haute direction. L’an dernier, le cabinet Olser avait déjà rédigé un rapport exhaustif sur les pratiques de divulgation en matière de diversité qui abordait la divulgation relative aux femmes occupant des postes de direction dans les sociétés inscrites à la cote de la TSX, autres que les fonds de placement à capital fixe et les fonds négociés en bourse, qui ont fait leur déclaration avant le 31 juillet 2015. La situation globale était décevante.

Dans le rapport sur la divulgation en matière de diversité de cette année, le cabinet Olser résume ses résultats définitifs pour l’ensemble de l’année civile 2015. Le cabinet Osler compare également les résultats de l’analyse de la divulgation qu’il avait réalisée en 2016 (avant le 31 juillet 2016) avec les résultats pour la même période en 2015 afin d’établir si les sociétés inscrites à la cote de la TSX ont fait des progrès.

Qu’en retenir ?… c’est qu’il y a encore du travail comme le démontrent les chiffres suivants !

  1. Le pourcentage d’entreprises qui se sont dotées d’une politique écrite sur la diversité au sein du conseil d’administration a augmenté pour s’établir à 34 %
  2. 39 % des entreprises du S&P/TSX 60 ont adopté des cibles pour le nombre de femmes administratrices
  3. Peu d’entreprises, d’entreprises du S&P/TSX 60 ou autres, se fixent des cibles en ce qui concerne le nombre de femmes à la haute direction
  4. Il n’y a eu aucun changement dans le pourcentage d’entreprises ne comptant aucune femme au sein du conseil d’administration
  5. Le nombre moyen de femmes administratrices par entreprise a été à peu près le même que l’an dernier (0,96 en 2016; 0,93 en 2015) et, en moyenne, les femmes représentaient plus ou moins la même proportion d’administrateurs pour chacun des conseils (12 % en 2015 et 13 % en 2016).

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Ivan Tchotourian

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Business Roundtable Governance Guidelines

Bonjour à tous et à toutes, le Business Roundtable (association privée regroupant les plus importants président de la haute-direction) vient de publier son dernier guide des principes de gouvernance d’entreprise. Intitulé « Business Roundtable’s Principles of Corporate Governance », ce guide


The latest edition of the Business Roundtable’s Principles of Corporate Governance makes one particular principle much more fundamental than it was in the previous edition of the guide.

That principle is diversity, a hot topic in the association world. In a key section of the report, the Roundtable emphasizes that a board should encompass in its members a variety of diverse backgrounds and experiences.


Les principes mis de l’avant sont les suivants :

  1. The board approves corporate strategies that are intended to build sustainable long-term value; selects a chief executive officer (CEO); oversees the CEO and senior management in operating the company’s business, including allocating capital for long-term growth and assessing and managing risks; and sets the “tone at the top” for ethical conduct.
  2. Management develops and implements corporate strategy and operates the company’s business under the board’s oversight, with the goal of producing sustainable long-term value creation.
  3. Management, under the oversight of the board and its audit committee, produces Financial statements that fairly present the company’s financial condition and results of operations and makes the timely disclosures investors need to assess the financial and business soundness and risks of the company.
  4. The audit committee of the board retains and manages the relationship with the outside auditor, oversees the company’s annual financial statement audit and internal controls over Financial reporting, and oversees the company’s risk management and compliance programs.
  5. The nominating/corporate governance committee of the board plays a leadership role in shaping the corporate governance of the company, strives to build an engaged and diverse board whose composition is appropriate in light of the company’s needs and strategy, and actively conducts succession planning for the board.
  6. The compensation committee of the board develops an executive compensation philosophy, adopts and oversees the implementation of compensation policies that fit within its philosophy, designs compensation packages for the CEO and senior management to incentivize the creation of long-term value, and develops meaningful goals for performance-based compensation that support the company’s longterm value creation strategy.
  7. The board and management should engage with long-term shareholders on issues and concerns that are of widespread interest to them and that affect the company’s long-term value creation. Shareholders that engage with the board and management in a manner that may affect corporate decisionmaking or strategies are encouraged to disclose appropriate identifying information and to assume some accountability for the long-term interests of the company and its shareholders as a whole. As part of this responsibility, shareholders should recognize that the board must continually weigh both short-term and long-term uses of capital when determining how to allocate it in a way that is most beneficial to shareholders and to building long-term value.
  8. In making decisions, the board may consider the interests of all of the company’s constituencies, including stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers and the community in which the company does business, when doing so contributes in a direct and meaningful way to building long-term value creation.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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From Corporate Law to Corporate Governance

Ronald Gibson nous offre un beau texte intitulé : « From Corporate Law to Corporate Governance » (Law Working Paper No. 324/2016, septembre 2016). L’auteur n’est plus à présenter et le thème qu’il aborde rappelle que le droit des sociétés par actions ne peut être séparé du droit de la gouvernance d’entreprise. Ce lien entre les deux reflète les facteurs économiques et financiers qu’il apparaît fondamentaux de maîtriser aujourd’hui pour bien comprendre les modèles de gouvernance et leurs implications.


In the 1960s and 1970s, corporate law and finance scholars recognized that neither discipline was doing a very good job of explaining how corporations were really structured and performed. For legal scholars, Yale Law School professor and then Stanford Law School dean Bayless Manning confessed that corporate law has “nothing left but our great empty corporation statutes -towering skyscrapers of rusted girders, internally welded together and containing nothing but wind.” Michael Jensen and William Meckling made a similar comment with respect to finance.

The theory of the firm was an “empty box” or a “black box” that provided no theory about “how the conflicting objectives of the individual participants are brought into equilibrium.” The result of Jensen and Meckling’s seminal reframing of corporate law in agency cost terms, and so into something far broader than disputes over statutory language, was that both Manning’s empty skyscrapers and Jensen and Meckling’s empty box began to be filled. The essay proceeds by tracking how corporate law became corporate governance – from legal rules standing alone to legal rules interacting with non-legal processes and institutions – through three somewhat idiosyncratically chosen but nonetheless related examples of how we have come to usefully complicate the inquiry into the structures that bear on corporate decision-making and performance.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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Gouvernance d’entreprise : le Parlement britannique lance une consultation

En Grande-Bretagne, The Business, Innovation, and Skills (BIS) Committee vient de lancer une consultation publique sur la gouvernance d’entreprise : « Corporate Governance inquiry launched ».


The Business, Innovation, and Skills (BIS) Committee has today launched an inquiry on corporate governance, focussing on executive pay, directors duties, and the composition of boardrooms, including worker representation and gender balance in executive positions.


Les questions abordées sont très intéressantes :

Directors Duties

  • Is company law sufficiently clear on the roles of directors and non-executive directors, and are those duties the right ones? If not, how should it be amended?
  • Is the duty to promote the long-term success of the company clear and enforceable?
  • How are the interests of shareholders, current and former employees best balanced?
  • How best should the decisions of Boards be scrutinised and open to challenge?
  • Should there be greater alignment between the rules governing public and private companies? What would be the consequences of this?
  • Should additional duties be placed on companies to promote greater transparency, e.g. around the roles of advisors. If so, what should be published and why? What would the impact of this be on business behaviour and costs to business?
  • How effectively have the provisions of the 1992 Cadbury report been embedded? How best can shareholders have confidence that Executives are subject to independent challenge?
  • Should Government regulate or rely on guidance and professional bodies to ensure that Directors fulfil their duties effectively?

Executive pay

  • What factors have influenced the steep rise in executive pay over the past 30 years relative to salaries of more junior employees?
  • How should executive pay take account of companies’ long-term performance?
  • Should executive pay reflect the value added by executives to companies relative to more junior employees? If so, how?
  • What evidence is there that executive pay is too high? How, if at all, should Government seek to influence or control executive pay?
  • Do recent high-profile shareholder actions demonstrate that the current framework for controlling executive pay is bedding in effectively? Should shareholders have a greater role?

Composition of Boards

  • What evidence is there that more diverse company boards perform better?
  • How should greater diversity of board membership be achieved? What should diversity include, e.g. gender, ethnicity, age, sexuality, disability, experience, socio-economic background?
  • Should there be worker representation on boards and/or remuneration committees? If so, what form should this take?
  • What more should be done to increase the number of women in Executive positions on boards?


Attention : la réponse est à envoyer pour le 26 octobre 2016 !


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Ivan Tchotourian

Gouvernance normes de droit Structures juridiques

Devoirs fiduciaires des gestionnaires : quel contenu et quelle protection des investisseurs ?

Le blog de l’Université d’Oxford relaie ce papier de Deborah A. DeMott : « Fiduciary Contours: Perspectives on Mutual Funds and Private Funds » du 22 août 2016. Excellente étude sur les devoirs fiduciaires des gestionnaires et la protection des investisseurs-consommateurs !


My paper,  written for a forthcoming book focused on research concerning mutual funds, examines the content, scope, and function of the fiduciary duties owed by investment managers, drawing in particular on contrasts between mutual (or public) funds and private funds (principally hedge funds and private equity funds). The paper surveys the relevant regulatory architectures as well as private-law duties of loyalty. The paper also develops more specific contrasts between mutual funds and private funds concerning principal transactions, fees, fund governance, and regulatory frameworks for internal compliance. The thesis of the paper is that in the mutual-fund context, the specifics of fiduciary duty reflect distinctive and hybrid qualities of this form of investment in securities, conventionally understood to involve an investment company that issues shares to public investors as well as a highly prescriptive regulatory structure, embodied in the United States in the Investment Company Act of 1940. The Investment Company Act, an exemplar of a ‘rules-based’ regulatory regime, addresses many potential breaches of fiduciary duties through prescription, for example, by prohibiting principal transactions, those between the fund itself and its manager or between the fund and the manager’s affiliates.

In contrast, fiduciary duties in the private-fund context exemplify a ‘principles-based’ regime, embodied in the not-so-prescriptive structure of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, which applies to fund managers required to register with the SEC as investment advisers. In this less prescriptive realm, fiduciary duties are harder to assess, at least in part because many private-fund managers until recently operated behind a thick veil of opacity.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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Say on pay obligatoire : l’IGOPP doute

Excellent texte auquel je viens d’accéder rédigé par Yvon Allaire et François Dauphin daté du 11 août 2016 et intitulé : “Making Say-on-Pay Vote Binding: a Good Idea?” (IGOPP).

Petit extrait :

The challenge of reading and understanding the particulars of executive compensation has become far more daunting. Indeed, for the 50 largest (by market cap) companies on the TSX in 2015 that were also listed back in 2000, the median number of pages to describe their compensation went from 6 in 2000 to 34 pages in 2015, ranging all the way up to 66 pages. Investors with holdings in dozens or hundreds of stocks face a formidable task. The simplest way out is either to vote per the stock’s performance or, more likely, rely on the recommendation of proxy advisory firms (which also base their “advice” on relative stock market performance. (…)

Boards of directors, compensation committees and their consultants have come to realize that it is wiser and safer to toe the line and put forth pay packages that will pass muster with proxy advisory firms. The result has been a remarkable standardization of compensation, a sort of “copy and paste” across publicly listed companies. Thus, most CEO pay packages are linked to the same metrics, whether they operate in manufacturing, retailing, banking, mining, energy, pharmaceuticals or services. For the companies on the S&P/TSX 60 index, the so-called long term compensation for their CEO in 2015 was based on total shareholder return (TSR) or the earnings per share growth (EPS) in 85% of cases. The proxy advisory firm ISS has been promoting these measures as the best way to connect compensation to performance. (…)

At a more fundamental level, the setting of pay policies should be the preserve of the board, as Canadian corporate law clearly states. When egregious pay packages are given to executives, a say-on-pay vote, compulsory or not, binding or not, will always be much less effective than a majority of votes against the election of members of the compensation committee. But that calls upon large investment funds to show fortitude and cohesiveness in the few instances of unwarranted compensation which occur every year.


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Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit

Fraude et corruption : synthèse de Deloitte

L’organisation moyenne perd chaque année 5 % de ses revenus en raison de la fraude et de la corruption, selon l’Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. Il n’est pas surprenant que les organismes de réglementation à l’échelle mondiale se concentrent de plus en plus sur la fraude et s’attendent à ce que les organisations mettent en œuvre des programmes efficaces de lutte contre la fraude. En outre, ces organismes accroissent leur coopération pour mettre en œuvre des lois anticorruption grâce auxquelles les coupables sont poursuivis pour leurs actes, y compris les dirigeants et les administrateurs qui sont responsables de l’environnement dans lequel ces crimes se produisent.

En cas de fraude ou de corruption, les administrateurs peuvent être tenus personnellement responsables s’il est démontré qu’ils n’ont pas fait preuve de la diligence voulue dans le cadre de leurs responsabilités visant la mise en œuvre des programmes et des contrôles appropriés de lutte contre la fraude et la corruption.

Votre conseil d’administration a-t-il une bonne compréhension des risques liés à la fraude et à la corruption? Quelles mesures votre organisation devrait-elle prendre pour les atténuer?

Dans son À l’ordre du jour du conseil de juillet 2016, Deloitte propose une revue des « Programmes efficaces de lutte contre la fraude et la corruption ».

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Ivan Tchotourian