Normes d’encadrement | Page 5

finance sociale et investissement responsable Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit Structures juridiques Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Un projet de loi américain ambitieux : S.3348 – Accountable Capitalism Act

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, la sénatrice Élisabeth Warren vient d’introduire un projet de loi très ambitieux (!) : le S.3348 – Accountable Capitalism Act.


Plusieurs points saillants ressortent de ce projet :

  • La création d’un Office of United States Corporations.
  • La possibilité de s’enregistrer auprès de cet organisme fédéral (alors que jusqu’à maintenant, rappelons-le, l’enregistrement se faisait auprès des États et notamment celui du Delaware).
  • Les salariés représenteraient 40 % du CA.
  • L’entreprise devrait poursuivre une mission sociétale.
  • La redéfintion des devoirs des administrateurs et hauts-dirigeants.


Extrait du projet de loi


SEC. 5. Responsibilities of United States corporations.

(a) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) GENERAL PUBLIC BENEFIT.—The term “general public benefit” means a material positive impact on society resulting from the business and operations of a United States corporation, when taken as a whole. (…)

(1) IN GENERAL.—The charter of a large entity that is filed with the Office shall state that the entity is a United States corporation.


(2) CORPORATE PURPOSES.—A United States corporation shall have the purpose of creating a general public benefit, which shall be—

(A) identified in the charter of the United States corporation; and

(B) in addition to the purpose of the United States corporation under the articles of incorporation in the State in which the United States corporation is incorporated, if applicable.

(c) Standard of conduct for directors and officers.—


(c) Standard of conduct for directors and officers.—

(1) CONSIDERATION OF INTERESTS.—In discharging the duties of their respective positions, and in considering the best interests of a United States corporation, the board of directors, committees of the board of directors, and individual directors of a United States corporation—


(A) shall manage or direct the business and affairs of the United States corporation in a manner that—

(i) seeks to create a general public benefit; and

(ii) balances the pecuniary interests of the shareholders of the United States corporation with the best interests of persons that are materially affected by the conduct of the United States corporation; and


(B) in carrying out subparagraph (A)—

(i) shall consider the effects of any action or inaction on—

(I) the shareholders of the United States corporation;

(II) the employees and workforce of—

(aa) the United States corporation;

(bb) the subsidiaries of the United States corporation; and

(cc) the suppliers of the United States corporation;

(III) the interests of customers and subsidiaries of the United States corporation as beneficiaries of the general public benefit purpose of the United States corporation;

(IV) community and societal factors, including those of each community in which offices or facilities of the United States corporation, subsidiaries of the United States corporation, or suppliers of the United States corporation are located;

(V) the local and global environment;

(VI) the short-term and long-term interests of the United States corporation, including—

(aa) benefits that may accrue to the United States corporation from the long-term plans of the United States corporation; and

(bb) the possibility that those interests may be best served by the continued independence of the United States corporation; and

(VII) the ability of the United States corporation to accomplish the general public benefit purpose of the United States corporation;

(ii) may consider—

(I) other pertinent factors; or

(II) the interests of any other group that are identified in the articles of incorporation in the State in which the United States corporation is incorporated, if applicable; and

(iii) shall not be required to give priority to a particular interest or factor described in clause (i) or (ii) over any other interest or factor.

(2) STANDARD OF CONDUCT FOR OFFICERS.—Each officer of a United States corporation shall balance and consider the interests and factors described in paragraph (1)(B)(i) in the manner described in paragraph (1)(B)(iii) if—

(A) the officer has discretion to act with respect to a matter; and

(B) it reasonably appears to the officer that the matter may have a material effect on the creation by the United States corporation of a general public benefit identified in the charter of the United States corporation.


(3) EXONERATION FROM PERSONAL LIABILITY.—Except as provided in the charter of a United States corporation, neither a director nor an officer of a United States corporation may be held personally liable for monetary damages for—

(A) any action or inaction in the course of performing the duties of a director under paragraph (1) or an officer under paragraph (2), as applicable, if the director or officer was not interested with respect to the action or inaction; or

(B) the failure of the United States corporation to pursue or create a general public benefit. (…)


(d) Right of action.—

(1) LIMITATION ON LIABILITY OF CORPORATION.—A United States corporation shall not be liable for monetary damages under this section for any failure of the United States corporation to pursue or create a general public benefit.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Des profits au détriment du reste

Bel article du journal Le Monde qui revient sur le fameux partage des profits qui démontre que les profits des entreprises du CAC40 sont prioritairement versés aux actionnaires : « CAC 40 : un partage déséquilibré des bénéfices » (Le Monde, 14 mai 2018).


Mieux vaut être actionnaire que salarié, si l’on en croit les conclusions du rapport publié, lundi 14 mai, par l’organisation non gouvernementale Oxfam et le Bureau d’analyse sociétale pour une information citoyenne (Basic). Cette étude montre que, depuis 2009, les actionnaires des groupes du CAC 40 ont été généreusement servis en accaparant plus des deux tiers des bénéfices de ces entreprises. Vient ensuite la part consacrée aux investissements, qui n’a été en moyenne que de 27,5 %. Les salariés, eux, se sont vu attribuer seulement 5 % du total sous la forme d’intéressement et de participation


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Ivan Tchotourian

devoirs des administrateurs Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

A Legal Basis for Corporate Long-Termism

Petite lecture sur l’ouverture des sociétés par actions au long-terme avec cet article de Arjya Majumdar : « A Legal Basis for Corporate Long-Termism » (Oxford Business Law Blog, 9 Jan 2018).


My recent paper attempts to reconcile the divergent positions of the shareholder and stakeholder primacy debate by proposing that directors- acting for the corporation- should preserve intergenerational equity. Three arguments are presented in course of this proposition.

Firstly, there has been a slew of judgments in UK common law which suggest that courts are reticent to recognize fiduciary duties that directors may have towards shareholders. The primary reason for this is that the assets controlled, administered and managed by directors belong to the corporation as a legal entity separate from its shareholders. As a result, directors have a higher fiduciary duty to the corporation and future shareholders, over that of present shareholders.

Secondly, corporations are perpetual in nature or, at least, are designed to be, and their continuing existence is predicated upon the ability of individual owners to transfer their ownership. This aspect of corporate perpetuity is little discussed, but of considerable significance in conjunction with fiduciary duties to corporations.

If directors owe their primary duty to the corporation, they must ensure -to the best of their abilities- that the corporation is maintained in good condition throughout. This forms the legal basis of protection to future shareholders. Since the survival of the corporation is paramount compared to the investment of the shareholder, directors are under an obligation to preserve the corporation.

Finally, in order to safeguard the interests of future shareholders, corporations must necessarily strive to preserve the natural and social environments upon which the future of the corporation and the wealth of future shareholders depends. Businesses must, therefore, either create sustainable methods of harvesting resources, or move to an alternative. Failure to do so would result in non-viability and consequent ‘extinction’ of the business itself.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

devoirs des administrateurs Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Vien de paraître : Mythes de la gouvernance d’entreprise – osons déboulonner certaines idéologies entourant la gouvernance !

Avec MM. Jean-Christophe Bernier et Charles Tremblay-Potvin (étudiants au CÉDÉ), nous venons de publier dans la Revue internationale de droit économique (RIDE) un article critiquant certaines normes de gouvernance d’entreprise et proposant des alternatives : « Les 5 mythes de la gouvernance d’entreprise: perspective économico-juridique nord-américaine« .


Résumé : La gouvernance d’entreprise est aujourd’hui au cœur d’une profonde réflexion et fait l’objet de vifs débats sur le sens et le contenu des règles qui l’encadrent. Cet intérêt pour le sujet n’a rien d’étonnant, compte tenu de la place qu’occupent les entreprises sur l’échiquier mondial, et s’avère encore plus justifié depuis la crise économico-financière de 2007-2008 et les scandales qu’elle a permis de mettre en lumière. Pourtant, encore aujourd’hui, sous l’influence notable d’une culture anglo-américaine largement diffusée dans les cercles intellectuels, le cadre théorique dominant de la gouvernance d’entreprise repose sur une série de présupposés qui semblent relever davantage d’une mythologie que de la réalité objective, et ce, malgré une prétention à la scientificité de la part de ses promoteurs. Le présent texte analyse cinq de ces mythes et montre comment ils sont porteurs d’un message sur le plan idéologique.


Abstract : Corporate governance is still, to this day, the topic of the most intense discussions among scholars, especially concerning its legal and regulatory development over the past few years. As most of the current developments are dealing with global concerns about the impact of recent financial crises and their related scandals, the academics have yet been able to settle the score with long dated matters of corporate governance. Indeed, under the significant influence of an Anglo-Saxon culture, largely disseminated among the literature, the prevailing theoretical framework of corporate governance is still based on a series of preposterous presumptions. These presumptions of another time appear to originate more from rhetorical statements rather than deep analysis of the issues characterizing the early era of modern corporate governance. As they fulfilled their task, over the years, of supporting the development of capitalism throughout the industrial world and providing a legitimate rationale for corporate owners to adopt some aggressive and reckless behaviors, those corporate governance assumptions have since been held up as the cornerstones of an efficient social economy, profitable for all and everyone. As global economy has encountered a few unfortunate setbacks over the past decades, it is important to question ourselves on the legal value of these presuppositions, as they might have more to do with unsubstantiated myths than a complete legal and scientific work. As this Article has not the presumption of presenting the paramount truth on this topic, it has the purpose of highlighting the discrepancies between what have always been considered as the foundation of corporate governance and what it should have been if it had not being carried on only to nurture some illegitimate purposes of modern capitalism, such as shareholder primacy or financial profitability. Therefore, this Article is exploring five typical myths of corporate governance: (1) the corporation as a nexus of contracts, (2) the shareholders as owners of the corporation, (3) the shareholders as the only residual creditors of the corporation, (4) the effectiveness of shareholder activism and (5) the corporate governance as a legitimate rationale for shareholder primacy. As the aggregate theory of corporations, asserting that the corporation is nothing less than a nexus of contracts and that it may only benefit the shareholders, has made its way through most of the 20th century, it is now confronted with some more inclusive and realistic theories of unprecedented rigor, such as considering the corporation as an institution pursuing a social purpose. Therefore, considering the shareholders as the owners of the corporation might be of another time as well. Undeniably, what the recent ups and downs on the financial markets have shown the world is that the corporate directors ought to be considered as the center core of the corporation, acting collectively, but independently from the shareholders, and promoting the success of the company throughout the interests of all corporate stakeholders. Consequently, the shareholders cannot still be considered the owners of the corporation, dictating directors as to how they must govern, as the corporation has its own legal personality, effectively managed and controlled by the board of directors. Subsequently, neither they can be considered as the only residual creditors of the corporation, as all the other stakeholders’ investments are also at stake. More importantly, as shareholders became more active over the years, the effectiveness of their implication in the management of the corporation has been questionable, as they often lack a long term vision and considerations for other stakeholders’ interests. Finally, it is quite arguable to still promote shareholders’ primacy in today’s world, as law, jurisprudence and doctrine have, timidly but still, embraced the stakeholder theory which states that the board of directors has to consider the whole corporation interests first, rather than simply focus on short term profitability for the shareholders.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

devoirs des administrateurs Normes d'encadrement normes de droit objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

À relire : Shareholder Wealth Maximization and Its Implementation Under Corporate Law

Le professeur Bernard S. Sharfman a publié il y a deux ans un article très intéressant sur la primauté de la valeur actionnariale en droit des sociétés : « Shareholder Wealth Maximization and Its Implementation Under Corporate Law », 66 Fla. L. Rev. 389 (2015). À redécouvrir !


This Article tackles the question of when courts should intervene in the decision-making of a corporation and review a corporate business decision for shareholder wealth maximization. This Article takes a very traditional approach to answering this question. It notes with approval that courts have historically been very hesitant to participate in the process of determining if a corporate decision is wealth maximizing. Courts have restrained themselves from interfering with board decision-making because they understand that it is the board of directors (the board) in coordination with executive management that has the best information and expertise to determine if a corporate decision meets the objective of shareholder wealth maximization. Nevertheless, the courts have found that they can play a wealth-enhancing role if they focus on making corporate authority accountable when there is sufficient evidence to show that the corporate decision was somehow tainted. Therefore, the courts will interpose themselves as a corrective mechanism when a board decision is tainted with a conflict of interest, lack of independence, or where gross negligence in the process of becoming informed in the making of a business decision is implicated.

When judicial review veers from this traditional approach, the court’s opinion must be closely scrutinized to see if the court had valid reasons for implementing a different approach. Such a veering from the traditional path can be found in the Delaware Chancery case of eBay Domestic Holdings, Inc. v. Newmark, a case where the court, in its review of a shareholder rights plan under the Unocal test, required the directors to demonstrate that the corporate policy being defended by the poison pill enhanced shareholder value. As argued here, the court was wrong in its approach, and in general courts should never be in the position of adding this additional component of analyzing board decisions for shareholder wealth maximization unless the business decision was tainted with a conflict of interest, lack of independence, or gross negligence.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

devoirs des administrateurs engagement et activisme actionnarial Gouvernance normes de droit objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Hedge funds et gouvernance d’entreprise : activisme des CA et réaction au découplage

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je vous signale que je viens de publier mon dernier billet sur le blogue Contact de l’Université Laval : « Le retour des hedge funds » (18 octobre 2017).

Voici quelques extraits :

Depuis quelque temps, certains hedge funds développent une nouvelle activité: l’investissement dans les entreprises par l’entremise d’achat de titres. Utilisant leur statut d’actionnaire, ils sont accusés d’activisme. On leur reproche de pousser certaines sociétés à générer des rendements financiers rapides sans égard aux conséquences négatives à long terme de cette stratégie pour les entreprises, leurs parties prenantes et l’économie.

Pour y faire face, 2 orientations doivent être prises :

  1. Un CA responsabilisé, placé au centre du jeu et qui dialogue : la présence d’administrateurs compétents, qui respectent des normes générales de conduite (loyauté, prudence et diligence), qui possèdent une compréhension des enjeux de l’entreprise et qui sont activement engagés envers elle et ses actionnaires est nécessaire.
  2. Un droit de vote des actionnaires mieux compris et bien encadré : l’investissement dans les titres de sociétés réalisé par les hedge funds a entraîné l’émergence de phénomènes nouveaux comme la propriété occulte (hidden ownership) et le vote vide (empty voting). Si les hésitations sont encore nombreuses quant au choix législatif à privilégier pour faire face au découplage, quelques pistes d’action se dégagent : accroître la transparence associée à un contrôle plus grand de l’attribution et de l’exercice du vote des actionnaires; interdire le droit de vote découlant du découplage; renforcer les devoirs de loyauté des actionnaires en regard de l’entreprise; ou donner aux tribunaux plus de flexibilité pour dénoncer les situations d’abus et de violation du droit.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration Normes d'encadrement objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Dividendes : les risques d’une dette

Dans Les affaires, Patrick Thénière et Rémy Morel reviennent sur la logique du versement des dividendes aux actionnaires dans un billet critique intitulé : « Ne touchez pas à notre précieux dividende ! ».


Comme on le sait, une entreprise peut s’abstenir de verser un dividende à tout moment. Cependant, donnez quelque chose à quelqu’un sur une base régulière, et vous verrez qu’il deviendra difficile de vous arrêter sans créer l’émoi! (…)

Pour cette raison, nous pensons que les investisseurs recherchant les revenus avant tout prennent parfois des risques insoupçonnés. Nous vous invitons à lire la petite histoire fictive de Lucie et Martin que nous avions publiée il y a plus d’un an.

Idéalement, un dirigeant d’entreprise devrait pouvoir couper un dividende à tout moment, sous seul prétexte qu’il compte effectuer plutôt un rachat d’actions, ou réinvestir dans les activités de la société pour les améliorer. Dans les faits, cela se passe rarement de cette façon. C’est pourquoi nous pourrions presque considérer ce paiement annuel au même titre qu’une dette.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian