Gouvernance | Page 5

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Droits de l’homme et CA : un guide en 5 étapes

L’EHRC vient de publier un guide « Business and human rights – A five-step guide for company boards » bien intéressant pour les CA. Comme le précise ce document : « We recommend that boards should follow five steps to ensure that their company is fulfilling its responsibility to respect human rights in a robust and coherent manner that meets the expectations of the UN Guiding Principles and UK statutory reporting obligations. Boards should be aware of the company’s salient, or most severe, human rights risks, and ensure ».


The following are the five steps that it is recommended boards should follow to ensure that their company is fulfilling its responsibility to meet human rights in a robust and coherent manner that meets the expectations of the UN Guiding Principles and UK statutory reporting obligations:

  1. the company should embed the responsibility to respect human rights into its culture, knowledge and practices;
  2. the company should identify and understands its salient, or most severe, risks to human rights;
  3. the company should systematically address its salient, or most severe, risks to human rights and provide for remedies when needed;
  4. the company should engage with stakeholders to inform its approach to addressing human rights risks; and
  5. the company should report on its salient, or most severe, human rights risks and meet regulatory reporting requirements.


Attention : encore une fois, tout cela n’est que du droit international et donc du droit « mou ». Ce guide l’exprime très bien en ces termes : « The Guiding Principles do not create any new international legal obligations on companies, but they can help boards to operate with respect for human rights and meet their legal responsibilities set out in domestic laws ».

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Ivan Tchotourain

Gouvernance objectifs de l'entreprise

Les dividendes à tout prix : un risque

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, le Financial Times apporte un regard critique sur les politiques de distribution des dividendes des entreprises : “Alarm grows as investors get bulk of listed groups’ profits” (9 mai 2016).


The world’s listed companies have paid out more than half their profits to shareholders in the form of dividends over the past year, an unusual situation that tends to occur only in periods of widespread economic weakness.  “The implication is companies have kept paying out dividends even as earnings have fallen away, and the risk is companies are paying out dividends that are not sufficiently covered by their profits,” said Robert Buckland, global equity strategist for Citi Research…. Directors of public companies must balance demands from shareholders to receive an income from their ownership of a company against the need to reinvest profits in the cause of expansion and future growth.


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Ivan Tchotourian


engagement et activisme actionnarial normes de droit

Vers un say on pay obligatoire en France ?

En voilà une nouvelle de Reuters (« France may make shareholder votes on executive pay binding -Hollande »), la France s’interroge à faire du say on pay quelque chose de juridiquement dur : du soft hard law !


France may make shareholder votes on executive pay binding if a guideline to follow their recommendations is ignored by company boards, President Francois Hollande said on Tuesday.

A council on corporate governance, comprising executives from big firms and representatives of the Medef employers association, is reviewing a decision last month by Renault’s board to defy shareholder rejection of the chief executive’s 7.2 million euro ($8.15 million) payout for 2015.


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Ivan Tchotourian

engagement et activisme actionnarial Normes d'encadrement

Say on pay et rémunération : les actionnaires s’éveillent de plus en plus

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, The Globe and mail propose un article de Janet McFarland intitulé :  “Shareholders get more savvy when it comes to say-on-pay votes”. Intéressant dans cette période d’assemblée annuelle…


Early voting results from annual meetings this year make it clear that shareholders are growing far more sophisticated in their analysis of compensation programs, and are more willing to vote “no” over concerns about fundamental pay design issues, even when there is no overwhelming controversy about a single major payment. (…)

Shareholders have said for years that they want compensation programs that clearly link pay to superior longterm performance, so it’s a logical next step for investors to move beyond simply reacting to one-off scandals to more intensively examine the features of pay design. Such scrutiny has the potential to greatly accelerate reform across Corporate Canada as companies watch the voting trends.


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Ivan Tchotourian

engagement et activisme actionnarial Gouvernance

Des entreprises surprenantes

Aux assemblées annuelles 2016, le MÉDAC s’est heurté à des réactions opposées des entreprises québécoises eu égard à des propositions qu’il a faites : « Trois propositions identiques, deux réactions opposées ».


Power Corporation du Canada a rejeté les trois propositions d’actionnaire soumises par le MÉDAC à l’assemblée annuelle d’aujourd’hui. Les trois mêmes propositions ont été acceptées d’emblée par Québecor à sa propre assemblée annuelle, hier.


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Ivan Tchotourian

engagement et activisme actionnarial Nouvelles diverses rémunération

La rémunération à Bombardier inquiète

Selon un article de La presse du 27 avril 2016 (ici), l’Office d’investissement du régime de pensions du Canada (OIRPC) et le Régime de retraite des enseignants de l’Ontario (Teachers) ont exprimé à Bombardier leurs préoccupations à l’égard des « octrois accordés aux dirigeants en sus du programme habituel de rémunération ».

De plus, l’OIRPC et Teachers s’opposent à la volonté de Bombardier d’augmenter significativement le nombre d’actions pouvant être émises dans le cadre du régime d’options d’achat d’actions.

Enfin, les deux organisations appuient une proposition du MEDAC prônant plus de transparence dans le dévoilement des résultats des votes des actionnaires.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

engagement et activisme actionnarial normes de droit rémunération

Say on pay : éléments statistiques

« Companies Wind Up in the ‘Penalty Box’ on Executive Pay »… c’est sous ce titre que The Wall Street Journal revient le 20 avril 2016 sur le say on pay et les révoltes récentes de plusieurs actionnaires de grandes sociétés américaines.

Last week, for ~nstance, BP PLC saw a majority of votes cast against the oil company’s compensation decisions for 2015.

The only thing worse than losing a say-on-pay vote is losing two votes. Or three. Several businesses with multiple defeats, such as TCF Financial Corp., Oracle Corp. and gectrum Pharmaceuticals ,Inc., likely will face shareholder outcries over related payor corporate governance issues this year.

In all, 39 companies in the Russell 3000 index have lost say-on-pay votes at least twice between 2011 and April 15, according to Willis Towers Watson, a consulting firm. Nine lost the vote tliree or more times, its analysis found.

After losing a pay vote, many boards work hard to overcome investor dissatisfaction by  conferring with major stock.

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Ivan Tchotourian