Gouvernance | Page 7

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Shareholders flex their muscles in 2017 AGM season to reduce FTSE pay

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, une récente étude menée sur les entreprises des indices FTSE100 et FTSE250 démontrent que ces dernières subissent de plus en plus la pression pour réduire le montant de la rémunération des hauts-dirigeants : « Shareholders flex their muscles in 2017 AGM season to reduce FTSE pay » (The Investment Association, 16 août 2017).


FTSE100 companies have listened and acted on 2016 investor rebellions, with a 35% decrease in 2017 remuneration resolutions that received over 20% dissent

FTSE250 companies were in the investor spotlight in 2017, with a 100% increase in companies getting 20% or more of votes against their remuneration resolutions compared to 2016

FTSE350 companies overall saw a 300% increase in votes against a Director re-election

6 FTSE350 companies withdrew resolutions on pay ahead of the company AGMs to avoid a shareholder rebellion



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Ivan Tchotourian


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Vote majoritaire : où en est-on au Canada ?

Dans un article publié récemment (« Majority Voting: Latest Developments in Canada »), Stephen Erlichman revient sur la situation du vote majoritaire au Canada à travers les positions :

  1. du gouvernement fédéral avec le projet de loi C-25
  2. de la TSX dans un document publié en mars 2017 : « TSX Releases Guidance with respect to Majority Voting Policies and Advance Notice Policies » (du cabinet McCarthy tetrault)
  3. du gouvernement de l’Ontario : « Business Law Advisory Council Fall 2016 Report »

Une belle mise à jour !


A previous post on this site was written about (i) the Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”) adopting a majority voting listing requirement, effective June 30, 2014, which requires each director of a TSX listed issuer (other than those which are majority controlled) to be elected by a majority of the votes cast, other than at contested meetings (the “TSX Majority Voting Requirement”) and (ii) Bill C-25 which was introduced by the federal Canadian government on September 28, 2016 and proposes amendments to the Canada Business Corporations Act (“CBCA”) that include true majority voting (i.e., by requiring shareholders to cast their votes “for” or “against” each individual director’s election and prohibiting a director who has not been elected by a majority of the votes cast from serving as a director except in prescribed circumstances) (the “Bill C-25 Amendments”). This post explains the latest developments in Canada with respect to both of these initiatives, as well as a further development with respect to majority voting in the Province of Ontario.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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Code de gouvernance en Allemagne : la responsabilité des investisseurs réaffirmée

Le Code de gouvernance allemand vient d’être réformé récemment : « Germany corp gov code to emphasise investor responsibility » (Susanna Rust, IPE, 15 février 2017). Vous trouverez dans cet article une belle synthèse de cette réforme.


Germany’s corporate governance code is being amended to emphasise that institutional investors have a responsibility to exercise their ownership rights.

The amendments follow a six-week consultation period that generated a strong response, both positive and critical, according to the government-appointed commission responsible for the code. The commission decided on changes to the code itself and the preamble, which sets out the spirit behind the code.

The preamble has been extended to argue that good corporate governance requires companies and their directors to conduct business ethically and take responsibility for their behaviour. The German word used by the commission for the latter is “Eigenverantwortung” – literally translated as “self-responsibility” or “own-responsibility”.

The guiding principle of an “honourable businessperson” (“ehrbarer Kaufmann”) was introduced to the preamble to reflect this.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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L’ISR a le vent en poupe au Canada !

L’ISR prendrait de plus en plus d’ampleur selon un article de Finance et investissement : « L’investissement responsable change le monde de la finance ».


L’investissement responsable (IR) occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans le monde, au point de « changer la donne sur le marché de la finance », rapporte Le Devoir. Le quotidien a rencontré Corinne Gendron, professeure à l’École des sciences de la gestion de l’UQAM, pour l’interroger sur ce qui est en passe de devenir un véritable phénomène de société.

Les plus récentes données de l’Association canadienne pour l’investissement responsable montrent qu’en 2014, les actifs sous gestion de ce secteur au pays représentaient quelque 1 000 milliards de dollars, soit une progression de 68 % en l’espace de deux ans. À l’époque, l’IR représentait 31 % des actifs sous gestion dans le secteur canadien des placements


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

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Le temps de l’activisme… sociétalement responsable ?

Dans GreenBiz, Keith Larsen revient sur l’activisme actionnariale sous un angle particulier : le fait que cet activisme s’oriente en faveur de la RSE et que cette tendance va connaître une croissance les temps prochains (« It looks like this year will be big for investor activism », 14 mars 2017).


Amid unprecedented uncertainty about the Trump administration’s commitment to environmental and social issues, investors are relying more heavily than ever on companies to take action on initiatives such as addressing climate change, conserving water or reducing waste.

So far in 2017, shareholder resolutions specifically related to social and environmental issues have increased to 430 from 370 resolutions last year, according to As You Sow’s annual Proxy Preview.

According to the report, resolutions related to climate change and political activity underlie much of the shareholder activist sentiment thus far in 2017. Overall, environmental policies were the subject of 26 percent of the proposals filed, while corporate disclosures related to political activity accounted for 21 percent of the proposals filed. Suggestions related to human rights (18 percent), sustainability programs (12 percent) and diversity (11 percent) rounded out the top five.

The Proxy Preview provides an overview of environmental, social and sustainable governance resolutions filed in 2017 in preparation for « proxy season, » when shareholders of public companies vote on new boards and a range of issues during annual meetings.

(…) A rise in investor activism

Shareholder resolutions, also known as shareholder proposals, are part of a larger trend of shareholder activism in ESG issues.

A recent study by Harvard University found that about 40 percent of shareholder proposals on the Russell 3000, an index that is a benchmark for the entire U.S stock market, are related to ESG issues, a 60 percent increase since 2003.

While the study found that most of these ESG proposals fail to receive majority support, it also found that these resolutions nonetheless can improve a company’s attention and performance on the ESG issue in question.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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Devoirs fiduciaires des intermédiaires : une ouverture à la RSE

Sur l’Oxford Business Law Blog, Brian Tomlinson propose de revenir sur la dernière publication de la Law Commission britannique : « Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries ».

Dans un excellent billet intitulé « Sustainability and Fiduciary Duties in the UK: Legal Analysis, Investor Processes and Policy Recommendations », M. Tomlinson résume la vision de la commission législative et… sans surprise le fait que rien n’empêche un intermédiaire de prendre en compte la RSE dans ses critères de placement !


Fiduciary duties are foundational for institutional investors. The interpretation of these duties frames investment time-horizons, strategies and objectives, and defines those features of the investment landscape considered appropriate subjects of analysis.

Some institutional investors, whether asset owners or investment managers, have defined their fiduciary duties in narrow terms, arguing that they preclude consideration of Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) factors in investment processes. This approach has often been informed by the mischaracterization of sustainability concepts in legal advice and short-term investment strategies. These misunderstand the position in law and regulation in the UK, fail to reflect the investment approach of major asset owners and data on the relevance of ESG methodologies to risk and return analysis.

Fiduciary duty is not a barrier to ESG integration. The UK Law Commission, in its report The Fiduciary Duties of Investment Intermediaries, stated that ‘there is no impediment to trustees taking account of environmental, social or governance factors where they are, or may be, financially material’. The relevance of an investment factor is determined by its financial materiality rather than its origin or the label applied to it.


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Ivan Tchotourian

Gouvernance normes de marché

Vidéo sur l’investissement éthique et ses questions

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, vous trouverez une capsule-vidéo proposée par Les affaires.com portant sur l’investissement éthique et ses zones grises : « des investissements éthiques, vraiment? ».


Il arrive fréquemment que des épargnants rencontre leur planificateur financier avec la volonté d’investir dans des fonds éthiques. Toutefois, en regardant de plus près un indice de référence dans le secteur, on trouve quelques mauvaises surprises, souligne Vincent Fournier, gestionnaire de portefeuille chez Claret. Entrevue.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian