Nouvelles diverses | Page 11

Gouvernance Nouvelles diverses Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Durabilité : la vision de BlackRock

Hier, le plus grand d’investissement au monde (BlackRock) a posté sur son site Internet son rapport sur son approche en matière de durabilité : « Our approach to sustainability ».

Extrait :

This past January, BlackRock wrote to clients about how we are making sustainability central to the way we invest, manage risk, and execute our stewardship responsibilities……Our efforts around sustainability, as with all our investment stewardship activities, seek to promote governance practices that help create long-term shareholder value for our clients, the vast majority of whom are investing for long-term goals such as retirement. This reflects our approach to sustainability across BlackRock’s investment processes, in which we use Environmental, Social, and Governance factors in order to provide clients with better risk-adjusted returns, in keeping with both our fiduciary duty and the range of regulatory requirements around the world. As a result, we have a responsibility to our clients to make sure companies are adequately managing and disclosing sustainability-related risks, and to hold them accountable if they are not.

(…) While this report focuses on climate-related issues, our investment stewardship approach to sustainability is much broader. It encompasses other environmental issues, such as sustainable practices in agribusiness. Our stewardship also includes topics that have been central to many companies’ license to operate, particularly over the past few months, such as human capital management and diversity and inclusion. The COVID-19 crisis, and more recently the protests surrounding racial injustice in the United States and elsewhere, have underscored the importance of these issues and a company’s commitment to serving all of its stakeholders.

(…) In January, we asked companies to publish disclosure aligned with the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) standards, which includes disclosing the racial and ethnic profile of their U.S. workforce. In the second half of 2020, as we assess the impact of companies’ response to COVID-19 and associated issues of racial equality, we will be refreshing our expectations for human capital management and how companies pursue sustainable business practices that support their license to operate more broadly. We also will continue to emphasize the importance of diversity in the board room and will consider race, ethnicity, and gender as we review a company’s directors.

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actualités canadiennes Base documentaire doctrine Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Sociétés fermées et diversité au Canada : que dit le droit ?

Sympathique petit billet de Me Lapierre du cabinet TJD sur une question simple : « Est-ce qu’une société fermée a l’obligation d’avoir un certain nombre d’administrateurs et de dirigeants issus de la diversité? ».

Extrait :

Non. Les sociétés par actions à capital fermé régies par la Loi sur les sociétés par actions et par la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions n’ont pas de règles particulières à suivre en matière de diversification des membres composant le conseil d’administration et la haute direction.

Un important mouvement de diversification des administrateurs et dirigeants d’entreprises de divers secteurs a cependant vu le jour au cours des dernières années. Plusieurs sociétés canadiennes, qu’elles soient ou non des émetteurs assujettis, ont adopté, dans le cadre de ce mouvement, des politiques internes afin de promouvoir la diversité au sein de leur entreprise.

Le 1er janvier 2020, la Loi canadienne sur les sociétés par actions a par ailleurs été modifiée afin d’imposer aux sociétés fédérales ayant fait un appel public à l’épargne et aux émetteurs émergents de divulguer à leurs actionnaires des renseignements sur la diversité au sein de leur conseil d’administration et de la haute direction. La représentation relative de quatre groupes désignés soit les femmes, les autochtones (Premières nations, Inuit et Métis), les personnes handicapées et les personnes qui font partie des minorités visibles est désormais obligatoire pour ces sociétés. Les sociétés doivent soit divulguer des renseignements sur leurs politiques et objectifs relativement à la représentation des groupes désignés ou expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles elles n’ont pas adopté de tels politiques et objectifs.1 Cela aura vraisemblablement pour effet de promouvoir dans les prochaines années la participation des membres issus de ses groupes dans des postes importants au sein de ces entreprises.

Nous ne retrouvons cependant pas à l’heure actuelle cette exigence pour les sociétés à capital fermé et pour les sociétés régies par la loi provinciale. Il y a lieu d’indiquer que nombreuses sont les études et les recherches dans le milieu des affaires démontrant une corrélation entre la diversité au sein d’un conseil d’administration, la performance financière et la création de valeur pour les entreprises ayant fait le choix de diversifier le profil des candidats dans des postes décisionnels. Il serait par ailleurs pertinent pour certaines d’entre-elles de se questionner quant à la pertinence d’adopter une politique en ce sens, afin de bénéficier, qui sait, des avantages rattachés à cette diversification.

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actualités internationales Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Grèce : 25 % de femmes au CA imposé par la loi

Minerva Analytics apporte une belle mise à jour à la problématique de la diversité en m’apprenant que la Grèce vient de renforcer son dispositif juridique en matière de féminisation : « Greek companies will soon be mandated to meet a 25% female quota on their boards following a landmark decision for gender diversity ».

Extrait :

The quota requirement has been included as an amendment to the bill transposing the EU Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II) into Greek law, and is the result of a consultation led by a group of academics specialising in corporate governance.


Overall, the directive is designed to encourage companies away from short-termism, focusing on areas such as director remuneration. However, the Greek amendment marks the first time it has been used to tackle the EU’s poor record on gender diversity at a board level.

According to the European Commission’s 2019 report on equality between men and women, since 2015, progress on corporate gender inclusivity has stalled. As of October 2018, the proportion of women on the boards of the EU’s biggest companies was only 26.7%.

Within this, France was the only EU member state with at least 40% female representation at board-level, while women account for less than a third of board-level positions in Italy, Sweden, Finland and Germany.

According to the same data, women made up less than 10% of board members in Greece.

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actualités internationales Gouvernance normes de droit parties prenantes place des salariés Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Bulletin Joly Travail : deux articles à lire

Dans le dossier Droit du travail et droit des sociétés : questions d’actualité réalisé sous la coordination scientifique de Jérôme Chacornac et Grégoire Duchange, je signale deux articles intéressants touchant les thématiques du blogue :

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actualités canadiennes Base documentaire Divulgation doctrine Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement rémunération Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Pour un ratio d’équité au Canada

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, voici une intéressante tribune parue dans The Globe and Mail : « Why Canada should adopt pay ratio disclosures » (19 avril 2020).

Extrait :

In particular, securities regulators should make pay ratio disclosures mandatory to improve transparency of executive pay packages at public companies. Pay ratio disclosures reveal the difference in the total remuneration between a company’s top executives and its rank and file workers….

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actualités internationales Gouvernance parties prenantes Responsabilité sociale des entreprises

Time to Rethink the S in ESG

Intéressant billet sur le Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance mettant en avant l’importance prise par le « S » des critères ESG : « Time to Rethink the S in ESG » (Jonathan Neilan, Peter Reilly, et Glenn Fitzpatrick, 28 juin 2020).

Extrait :

In advising companies on protecting and enhancing corporate reputation—through good and bad times—our guiding principle is to ‘do the right thing’. Simple as it sounds, it is reflected in the adage that ‘good PR starts with good behaviour’. This guiding principle also translates to building your ‘S’ credentials. While the various ESG criteria of the reporting frameworks and ratings agencies are a useful guide, our consistent approach in advising companies is for them to take the steps they believe are genuinely in the best interest of the company and its wider stakeholders. Not every decision will meet the expectations of every stakeholder; but it’s a good place to start.

As the wider sustainability agenda also drives more rapid and fundamental change in global markets and technology innovation, properly considering the pressure from public policy and evolving legal requirements, as well as the needs of key stakeholders, is key to understanding what is (and will be seen as) ‘good behaviour’.

As the focus on the ‘S’ grows, companies will need to shift from a reactive to a proactive position. While governance and environmental data is readily available for most companies, the same is not true of the ‘S’. The leeway companies have been afforded on the ‘S’ in the past is unlikely to continue; and, expectations of (and measurement by) rating agencies and investors will continue to increase.

In light of the economic shocks and social upheaval across the globe, demands from stakeholders—most pressingly investors and Governments—will reach a crescendo over the coming six months. As the sole arbiter of much of the information needed to value the ‘S’ in ESG, companies have an opportunity to demonstrate a willingness to shift levels of transparency before they are forced to do so. Companies understandably tend to highlight the efforts they make, often through their corporate social responsibility or communications departments, rather than the higher-cost, higher-risk analysis of the effectiveness of those efforts. Fundamentally, hastened by the emergence of a global pandemic, the world recognises the significance of the risk that failure to address stakeholder interests and expectations represents to business. That shift can be identified as demand for evidence of positive outcomes as opposed to simply efforts or policies.

As we noted in our 2019 Paper, ESG will never replace financial performance as the primary driver of company valuations. Increasingly, however, it is proving to drive the cost of capital down for companies while playing a hugely important role in companies’ risk management frameworks. Most immediately, companies should get a firm handle on how comprehensive their policies, procedures and data are in the five areas listed through a candid audit, as well as other factors material to their businesses’ long-term success. However, this is just a first step and companies must build a narrative and strategy around disclosure for all future annual reports and, where appropriate, market communications. Investors of all sizes are increasingly driving this factor home to Boards and management. In just one week at the end of April, human capital management proposals from As You Sow, a non-for-profit foundation, received 61% and 79% support at two S&P 500 companies, Fastenal and Genuine Parts, respectively. The two companies must now prepare reports on diversity and inclusion, and describe the company’s policies, performance, and improvement targets related to material human capital risks and opportunities as designed by a small shareholder—as opposed to crafting an approach and associated disclosure themselves.

What has become clear over the past three months is that a host of stakeholders, including many investors, will expect a sea-change in their access to information and company practices. While there is no requirement to be the first mover on this, those that are laggards will face avoidable challenges and a rising threat to their ‘licence to operate’.

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actualités internationales Gouvernance Normes d'encadrement normes de droit objectifs de l'entreprise parties prenantes Responsabilité sociale des entreprises Structures juridiques

Intéressantes dispositions du Code civil chinois

Le Code civil chinois a été adopté le 28 mai 2020. Il ne rentrera en vigueur qu’au 1er janvier 2021. Deux articles ont attirés mon attention dans une perspective de responsabilité sociétale, articles qui concerne le régime des For-Profit Legal Person (section 2). En substances, voici ce que précisent lesdits articles :

Les actionnaires ne doivent pas intenter à l’intérêt de la personne morale ou à celui des créanciers.

Les entreprises assument une responsabilité sociale.

Order of the President of the People’s Republic of China (No. 45)
The Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China, as adopted at the 3rd Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on May 28, 2020, is hereby issued, and shall come into force on January 1, 2021.
President of the People’s Republic of China: Xi Jinping
May 28, 2020
Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China
(Adopted at the 3rd Session of the Thirteenth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on May 28, 2020)

Extrait :

  • Article 83

An investor of a for-profit legal person shall not damage the interests of the legal person or any other investor by abusing the rights of an investor. If the investor abuses the rights of an investor, causing any loss to the legal person or any other investor, the investor shall assume civil liability in accordance with the law.
An investor of a for-profit legal person shall not damage the interests of a creditor of the legal person by abusing the independent status of the legal person and the limited liability of the investor. If the investor abuses the legal person’s independent status or the investor’s limited liability to evade debts, causing serious damage to the interests of a creditor of the legal person, the investor shall be jointly and severally liable for the legal person’s debts.

  • Article 86

In business activities, a for-profit legal person shall comply with business ethics, maintain the safety of transactions, receive government supervision and public scrutiny, and assume social responsibilities.

Merci à mon collègue, le professeur Bjarne Melkevik, de cette information.

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