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Nouvel ouvrage : Handbook on Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je vous signale la parution prochaine d’un nouvel Handbook chez Edward Elgar intitulé : « Handbook on Corporate Governance in Financial Institutions ». Intéressant un livre traitant de la gouvernance d’entreprise des banques et des institutions financières…

The global financial crisis has led to more and more focus on corporate governance and financial institutions. There has been much coverage in the media about various corporate governance related issues in banks and other financial institutions, such as executive directors’ remuneration and bankers’ bonuses, board composition and board diversity. This engaging book, dedicated to the corporate governance of banks and other financial institutions, makes a timely and accessible contribution to the literature in this area. The chapters highlight many of the shortcomings of corporate governance which have led to financial scandals, whilst indicating areas where corporate governance can be strengthened and improved.

Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici.

À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian