normes de droit | Page 3

actualités internationales devoirs des administrateurs mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit Responsabilité sociale des entreprises Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Europe et intérêt de l’entreprise : ecoDa’s position paper on Directors Duties

Le 7 mars 2019, ecoDa a pris position sur le devoir de loyauté des administrateurs : « ecoDa’s position paper on Directors Duties »

Extrait :

ecoDa supports the fundamental concept of Corporate purpose. However the European Commission should propose policy principles and refrains from trying to standardize directors’ duties among Member States and sectors. ecoDa believes that soft law through Corporate Governance codes is more suitable to adapt to an evolving context.

Acknowledging that shareholders define the company’s purpose does not mean neither that the interests of other stakeholders should not be taken into account by the directors when fulfilling their duties towards the company. On the contrary, there is no doubt that boards are taking such interests into account to an extent deemed consistent with the company’s purpose. Basically, there is a sound business case for more social and environmental involvement. Understanding consumers’ expectations and employees’ aspiration is becoming a prerequisite to become more innovative, to attract the right talents and to ensure sustainability in the long run. It is obvious that companies cannot be run in a sustainable manner if boards ignore the context in which they operate.

Therefore, the European Commission should refrain from trying to harmonize the fundamental concept of corporate interest and directors’ duties due to the very important legal differences across Europe and the different contexts across sectors. No law should hold directors accountable to several “principals”, arguably with often mutually contradictory interests. The board can solely be accountable to the company for the discharge of its duty to promote the purpose of the company. If the criteria for liability are not clearly defined, the boards will be liable to nobody for nothing or to everybody for anything. “Being liable to everybody means being liable to nobody”. Legal certainty is the basis of a competitive economic environment.

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devoirs des administrateurs Normes d'encadrement normes de droit objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

À relire : Shareholder Wealth Maximization and Its Implementation Under Corporate Law

Le professeur Bernard S. Sharfman a publié il y a deux ans un article très intéressant sur la primauté de la valeur actionnariale en droit des sociétés : « Shareholder Wealth Maximization and Its Implementation Under Corporate Law », 66 Fla. L. Rev. 389 (2015). À redécouvrir !


This Article tackles the question of when courts should intervene in the decision-making of a corporation and review a corporate business decision for shareholder wealth maximization. This Article takes a very traditional approach to answering this question. It notes with approval that courts have historically been very hesitant to participate in the process of determining if a corporate decision is wealth maximizing. Courts have restrained themselves from interfering with board decision-making because they understand that it is the board of directors (the board) in coordination with executive management that has the best information and expertise to determine if a corporate decision meets the objective of shareholder wealth maximization. Nevertheless, the courts have found that they can play a wealth-enhancing role if they focus on making corporate authority accountable when there is sufficient evidence to show that the corporate decision was somehow tainted. Therefore, the courts will interpose themselves as a corrective mechanism when a board decision is tainted with a conflict of interest, lack of independence, or where gross negligence in the process of becoming informed in the making of a business decision is implicated.

When judicial review veers from this traditional approach, the court’s opinion must be closely scrutinized to see if the court had valid reasons for implementing a different approach. Such a veering from the traditional path can be found in the Delaware Chancery case of eBay Domestic Holdings, Inc. v. Newmark, a case where the court, in its review of a shareholder rights plan under the Unocal test, required the directors to demonstrate that the corporate policy being defended by the poison pill enhanced shareholder value. As argued here, the court was wrong in its approach, and in general courts should never be in the position of adding this additional component of analyzing board decisions for shareholder wealth maximization unless the business decision was tainted with a conflict of interest, lack of independence, or gross negligence.


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Ivan Tchotourian

devoirs des administrateurs engagement et activisme actionnarial Gouvernance normes de droit objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Hedge funds et gouvernance d’entreprise : activisme des CA et réaction au découplage

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je vous signale que je viens de publier mon dernier billet sur le blogue Contact de l’Université Laval : « Le retour des hedge funds » (18 octobre 2017).

Voici quelques extraits :

Depuis quelque temps, certains hedge funds développent une nouvelle activité: l’investissement dans les entreprises par l’entremise d’achat de titres. Utilisant leur statut d’actionnaire, ils sont accusés d’activisme. On leur reproche de pousser certaines sociétés à générer des rendements financiers rapides sans égard aux conséquences négatives à long terme de cette stratégie pour les entreprises, leurs parties prenantes et l’économie.

Pour y faire face, 2 orientations doivent être prises :

  1. Un CA responsabilisé, placé au centre du jeu et qui dialogue : la présence d’administrateurs compétents, qui respectent des normes générales de conduite (loyauté, prudence et diligence), qui possèdent une compréhension des enjeux de l’entreprise et qui sont activement engagés envers elle et ses actionnaires est nécessaire.
  2. Un droit de vote des actionnaires mieux compris et bien encadré : l’investissement dans les titres de sociétés réalisé par les hedge funds a entraîné l’émergence de phénomènes nouveaux comme la propriété occulte (hidden ownership) et le vote vide (empty voting). Si les hésitations sont encore nombreuses quant au choix législatif à privilégier pour faire face au découplage, quelques pistes d’action se dégagent : accroître la transparence associée à un contrôle plus grand de l’attribution et de l’exercice du vote des actionnaires; interdire le droit de vote découlant du découplage; renforcer les devoirs de loyauté des actionnaires en regard de l’entreprise; ou donner aux tribunaux plus de flexibilité pour dénoncer les situations d’abus et de violation du droit.


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Ivan Tchotourian

devoirs des administrateurs Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit Nouvelles diverses

Devoirs fiduciaires en droit des sociétés américain : une synthèse

Bonjour à tous et à toutes, Lawrence Hamermesh et Leo Strine offre une belle étude du devoir fiduciaire dans une perspective de droit des sociétés par actions américain dans un chapitre intitulé : « Fiduciary Principles and Delaware Corporation Law: Searching for the Optimal Balance by Understanding that the World is Not ».


This Chapter, forthcoming in the Oxford Handbook of Fiduciary Law, examines the principles that animate Delaware’s regulation of corporate fiduciaries. Distilled to their core, these principles are to: give fiduciaries the authority to be creative, take chances, and make mistakes so long as their interests are aligned with those who elect them; but, when there is a suspicion that there might be a conflict of interest, use a variety of accountability tools that draw on our traditions of republican democracy and equity to ensure that the stockholder electorate is protected from unfair exploitation.

After reviewing the evolution and institutional setting of the pertinent Delaware case law, the Chapter details how these principles have emerged in several highly-salient contexts (the business judgment rule, controller freeze-outs, takeovers, and stockholder elections), and demonstrates that the identified principles aim to preserve the benefits of profit-increasing activities in a complex business world where purity is by necessity impossible. Further, the Chapter demonstrates that, even when a stricter approach to fiduciary regulation is warranted because of the potential for abuse, these principles hew to our nation’s republican origins and commitment to freedom in another way: when possible to do so, regulation of fiduciary behavior that might involve a conflict of interest should not involve after-the-fact governmental review, but before-the-fact oversight by the fiduciaries of the corporation who are impartial and, most importantly, by the disinterested stockholders themselves.


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Ivan Tchotourian

devoirs des administrateurs engagement et activisme actionnarial Gouvernance mission et composition du conseil d'administration normes de droit objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Le rendement à court-terme, une menace pour nos entreprises

Bel article du Journal de Montréal : « Le rendement à court-terme, une menace pour nos entreprises » (22 novembre 2016). Une occasion de discuter gouvernance d’entreprise en se concentrant sur la situation actuelle caractérisée par une omniprésence des investisseurs institutionnels !


Auparavant, les petits investisseurs québécois conservaient leurs actions en bourse en moyenne 10 ans. Aujourd’hui, à peine quatre mois. Quelque chose a changé dans notre rapport aux entreprises. Et pas pour le mieux, dit Gaétan Morin, président et chef de la direction du Fonds de solidarité FTQ.


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Ivan Tchotourian

devoirs des administrateurs Gouvernance normes de droit objectifs de l'entreprise Valeur actionnariale vs. sociétale

Primauté de la valeur actionnariale : l’ambivalence du droit britannique

Marc T. Moore offre un beau papier sur la place de la valeur actionnariale en Grande-Bretagne dans une perspective historique : « Shareholder Primacy, Labour and the Historic Ambivalence of UK Company Law » (Oxford University, 20 septembre 2016).


Most directors and senior managers of British companies would likely regard it as trite law that, in undertaking their functions, they are accountable first and foremost to their employer firm’s general body of shareholders. It follows that the interests of other corporate constituencies – and, in particular, those of employees – must ultimately cede to those of shareholders in the event of conflict. Although frequently taken for granted today, the lexical priority that the British company law framework affords to the interests of shareholders is remarkable, not least when viewed alongside the correspondingly disempowered corporate governance status of labour in the UK.

On first reflection, it is somewhat curious that the interests of employees have not figured more prominently within British company law, especially when one considers the general political disposition of the country in modern times. Throughout the course of the last century, the UK has witnessed 37 years of Labour government (or 42 years if one includes Labour’s participation in the wartime coalition government). And although the UK is acknowledged on the whole as having a more neo-liberal (ie right-wing) political orientation than many of its northern European counterparts, it nonetheless has a comparatively strong social-democratic (ie left-wing) political tradition in relation to other English-speaking and former-Commonwealth countries, at least since the Second World War. It is thus not unreasonable to expect that, at some point during the post-war era, democratic public policy measures might have been taken to effect the direct integration of worker interests into the heart of the British corporate legal structure.


Une de ses conclusion est intéressante :


However, whilst the centrality of shareholders’ interests to the doctrinal and normative fabric of contemporary UK company law is both manifest and incontrovertible, this has curiously not always been the case. With respect to the fundamental question of the proper corporate objective (that is, as to whose interest British company directors are expected to serve while carrying out their functions), UK company law up until 2006 adopted a highly ambiguous position. Moreover, British company law has in the fairly recent past come precariously close to adopting a radically different board representation model, in which worker interests would formally have shared centre-stage with those of shareholders in a similar vein to the traditional German corporate governance model.


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Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications devoirs des administrateurs Gouvernance normes de droit Nouvelles diverses

Publication au Bulletin Joly Bourse : retour sur Theratechnologies

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je viens de publier au Bulletin Joly Bourse une analyse de la décision de la Cour suprême Theratechnologies inc. c. 121851 Canada inc. (2015 CSC 18). Sous le titre « Responsabilité civile sur le marché secondaire : premières précisions de la Cour suprême canadienne sur l’autorisation judiciaire préalable », je reviens sur les enseignements de cette importante décision d’avril 2015 en termes de protection des investisseurs par le biais des recours collectifs.


Rendue le 17 avril 2015, la décision de la Cour suprême canadienne Theratechnologies inc. c. 121851 Canada inc. apporte des précisions intéressantes sur le régime de responsabilité de nature civile relevant du droit des valeurs mobilières. Au travers de cet arrêt, la plus haute instance du pays se prononce pour la première fois sur les conditions d’autorisation de ce recours introduit en 2007.


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Ivan Tchotourian