Publications | Page 4

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Rapport 2016 de PWC sur le crime économique

Belle étude annuelle de Pwc consacrée à la criminalité économique : « Global Economic Crime Survey 2016 – Adjusting the Lens on Economic Crime:  Preparation brings opportunity back into focus ».


Today more than ever before, a passive approach to detecting and preventing economic crime is a recipe for disaster. To underscore this fact, our survey uncovered a widespread lack of confidence in local law enforcement – a phenomenon that is not limited to regions or level of economic development. The message is clear: the burden of preventing, protecting and responding to economic crime rests firmly with organisations themselves. Our survey this year focuses on three key areas – Cybercrime, Ethics and compliance programmes and Anti-Money Laundering – and explores certain common themes, including managing the risks associated with the pervasion of technology; what it means to conduct business responsibly across a widening business landscape; and integrating ethical conduct into decision-making.

In addition to highlighting specific areas of economic crime worth focusing on, we emphasise the things you can do better to tackle them – implementing more sophisticated and effective measures that can not only reduce these risks, but also bring the benefits of a more threat-aware business, confident of its defences in a changing world.


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Ivan Tchotourian

autres publications normes de droit responsabilisation à l'échelle internationale

Nouvel ouvrage sur la responsabilité limitée : « Limited Liability: A Legal and Economic Analysis »

Stephen Bainbridge et Todd Henderson vont publier au mois de septembre 2016 leur dernier ouvrage portant sur la responsabilité limitée des actionnaires : « Limited Liability: A Legal and Economic Analysis ». Assurément un ouvrage à avoir dans une bibliothèque de droit des affaires !


The modern corporation has become central to our society. The key feature of the corporation that makes it such an attractive form of human collaboration is its limited liability. This book explores how allowing those who form the corporation to limit their downside risk and personal liability to only the amount they invest allows for more risks to be taken at a lower cost.This comprehensive economic analysis of the policy debate surrounding the laws governing limited liability examines limited it not only in an American context, but internationally, as the authors consider issues of limited liability in Britain, Europe and Asia. Stephen Bainbridge and M. Todd Henderson begin with an exploration of the history and theory of limited liability, delve into an extended analysis of corporate veil piercing and related doctrines, and conclude with thoughts on possible future reforms. Limited liability in unincorporated entities, reverse veil piercing and enterprise liability are also addressed. This comprehensive book will be of great interest to students and scholars of corporate law. The book will also be an invaluable resource for judges and practitioners.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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Billet d’humeur sur Contact : L’organisation juridique de l’entreprise sociale (2 de 2)

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je viens de publier mon nouveau billet sur le blogue Contact de l’Université Laval : « L’organisation juridique de l’entreprise sociale (2 de 2) ».


Plusieurs organisations juridiques sont susceptibles de soutenir une activité marquée par une finalité environnementale ou sociale. Dans le billet précédent, nous avons présenté l’organisme de bienfaisance, l’organisme à but non lucratif et la coopérative. Je me tourne maintenant vers 2 entreprises à vocation commerciale, mais qui ont quelque chose que les autres n’ont pas: elles ne sont pas exclusivement commerciales.

Se développe aujourd’hui un nouveau type d’entreprise qui, revêtant la forme traditionnelle d’une société par actions, s’en distingue par son objet social et son respect de certains des principes particuliers. La tendance mondiale est en effet à la création de ces entreprises dites «hybrides». De plus, n’oublions pas que les entreprises commerciales traditionnelles à visée lucrative s’ouvrent à la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE). Comme l’affirment certains: «Social entrepreneurship: it’s for corporations too».


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Ivan Tchotourian



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Governance goes green : à lire !

Beau rapport du cabinet Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP qui montre que la RSE ne peut plus être ignoré par les entreprises : « Governance Goes Green ».


It’s not just us tree-huggers. Increasingly, institutional investors, pension plans and regulators are calling for (and in some cases requiring) companies to assess and report on the sustainability of their business operations and investments. Climate change and other environmental concerns are at the forefront of these calls. Institutional investors are focusing on sustainable business practices – a broad category in which environmental and social risks, costs and opportunities of doing business are analyzed alongside conventional economic considerations – as a key factor in long-term financial performance. Sustainability proponents are looking to boards of directors and management to integrate these considerations into their companies’ long-term business strategies.

Éléments essentiels à retenir :

  • Institutional investors increasingly regard environmental and other sustainability issues as strategic matters for companies.
  • Shareholders continue to submit environmental and other sustainability proposals, successfully garnering attention and prompting companies to make changes, despite their failure to win majority votes.
  • Independent organizations are developing standards for sustainability and environmental reporting to provide investors with consistent metrics for assessing and comparing the sustainability of companies’ practices.
  • Sustainability and environmental reporting remains in the SEC’s sights as it evaluates the effectiveness of current disclosure requirements and considers changes for the future.



À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian

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Pourquoi les entreprises deviendraient-elles des B Corp ?

En voilà une question allez-vous me répondre et pourtant… Un récent article du Harvard Business Review de Suntae Kim, Matthew Karlesky, Christopher Myers et Todd Schifeling intitulé « Why Companies Are Becoming B Corporations » aborde la question de face.

2 raisons essentielles sont identifiées :

  1. First, as large established firms have ramped up their corporate social responsibility efforts, small businesses that have long been committed to social and environmental causes want to prove that they are more genuine, authentic advocates of stakeholder benefits.
  2.  The qualitative evidence, gathered from firms’ B corporation application materials, revealed that certifying firms believed “the major crises of our time are a result of the way we conduct business,” and they became a B Corporation to “join the movement of creating a new economy with a new set of rules” and “redefine the way people perceive success in the business world.”


So why do certain firms (and not others) choose to identify as B Corporations? Individual leaders are partly why some organizations broaden their purpose beyond maximizing shareholder value. We might look to Sir Richard Branson, who in 2013 co-launched the “B Team,” publicly decrying corporations’ sole focus on short-term profits and calling for a reprioritization of people- and planet-focused performance. We might also consider leaders of firms like Ben & Jerry’s or Patagonia (both B Corporations) that have prioritized societal and environmental agendas.

Clearly, such leaders can be important catalysts of social change. However, the explosive growth of B Corporations seems also to be driven by broader trends and changes in the corporate landscape that cannot be explained by individuals’ actions alone.

Two of us (Suntae Kim and Todd Schifeling) conducted research to build a more robust understanding of the rise of B corporations. By qualitatively examining the internal motives of firms in the process of becoming a B corporation, and quantitatively testing key factors in these firms’ external industry environment – including the shareholder- and stakeholder-focused behaviors of their corporate competitors – we found that there are at least two major underlying reasons why firms choose to seek B Corporation certification.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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Publication au Bulletin Joly Bourse : retour sur Theratechnologies

Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je viens de publier au Bulletin Joly Bourse une analyse de la décision de la Cour suprême Theratechnologies inc. c. 121851 Canada inc. (2015 CSC 18). Sous le titre « Responsabilité civile sur le marché secondaire : premières précisions de la Cour suprême canadienne sur l’autorisation judiciaire préalable », je reviens sur les enseignements de cette importante décision d’avril 2015 en termes de protection des investisseurs par le biais des recours collectifs.


Rendue le 17 avril 2015, la décision de la Cour suprême canadienne Theratechnologies inc. c. 121851 Canada inc. apporte des précisions intéressantes sur le régime de responsabilité de nature civile relevant du droit des valeurs mobilières. Au travers de cet arrêt, la plus haute instance du pays se prononce pour la première fois sur les conditions d’autorisation de ce recours introduit en 2007.


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Ivan Tchotourian

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Incertitudes sur les conséquences de la féminisation des CA

ECGI publie un nouveau papier ECGI Finance Series 466/2016 consacré à la féminisation des CA intitulé : « Women on Boards: The Superheroes of Tomorrow? » (par Renée Adams).


Can female directors help save economies and the firms on whose boards they sit?

Policy makers seem to think so. Numerous countries have implemented boardroom gender policies because of business case arguments. While women may be the key to healthy economies, I argue that more research needs to be done to understand the benefits of board diversity. The literature faces three main challenges: data limitations, selection and causal inference. Recognizing and dealing with these challenges is important for developing informed research and policy. Negative stereotypes may be one reason women are underrepresented in management. It is not clear that promoting them on the basis of positive stereotypes does them, or society, a service.


À la prochaine…

Ivan Tchotourian